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Walled Lake Central Home of the Vikings

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Senior Class

Congratulations to the Class of 2025! Below you will find all the information you will need to prepare for your senior year and graduation.

Class of 2025  Senior Attendance Incentive

Cap & Gown

Herff Jones, our Graduation Products vendor, distributed packets to seniors in late October during all lunches.  If your student missed them, extra packets are available to pick up in the main office. You can go online and start ordering now, please contact their local office with any questions.

To Place an order:

  • Online:
  • By Phone: 734-725-5743
  • In Person: At the Canton Sales Office. Call for an appointment

Google Drive

After graduation, student accounts do not remain forever. This includes student 'H Drives' and student Google Drives. Graduating senior Google accounts will be deleted and no longer accessible by mid-summer after graduation.

Graduating Seniors should take the time to download any documents they wish to keep that lives in their Walled Lake Google Account prior to that time.

Here are directions for taking Google files with you when you Graduate:

WLC Senior Calendar

Senior Yearbook and Class Composite

Side by side of yearbook photo versus a composite photo

You will automatically appear in the yearbook and on the class composite if you have been or plan to be photographed at Focal Point Studio by the deadline. Plus, you will receive a copy of the class composite at graduation time with no additional fees.

Call Focal Point's Farmington Studio at (248) 478-1113 now to make an appointment and to learn about their summer specials.

If you are using a photographer other than Focal Point, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Yearbook

Submit your portrait by email no later than December 13, 2024 to Yearbook Advisor, Melissa Borgquist.

The portrait submitted must be a digital image. No prints.

  • Dimensions: 1 7/8 x 2 7/14"
  • Head Size: 1 1/8"
  • Format: 300 DPI, TIFF or JPG
  • Image Label: Last Name, First Name

A medium gray background is required with a traditional head or shoulder pose. No props, no soft focus, no hands, no cap and gown, and no outdoor photographs will be accepted. Please dress appropriately. No strapless tops or wording on clothes.

Step 2: Composite

Submit your portrait and payment only through Focal Point's website no later than February 28, 2025. You may contact Terri McCrea at for assistance.

  • Dimensions: 2.5 x 3.5"
  • Head Size: 1.5", Leave .05" space between top of image and head
  • Format: 300 DPI, TIFF or JPG
  • Image Label: Last Name, First Name_WLW

A medium gray background is required with a traditional head or shoulder pose. No props, no soft focus, no hands, no cap and gown, and no outdoor photographs will be accepted. Please dress appropriately. No strapless tops or wording on clothes.



Please note:

  • No additional charges when photographed at Focal Point Studio.
  • There is a $10.60 fee to submit another photographer's composite photo to Focal Point.
  • There is a $21.20 fee to submit another photographer's composite photo and receive a copy of the class composite at graduation time.

Yearbooks on Sale!

The yearbook staff is working hard to create one of the most historic yearbooks ever! Help your child remember this entire year by buying your child a yearbook today.

Save money by ordering today!

  • Aug 1. thru Sept. 4: $75
  • Sept. 5 thru Oct. 31: $80
  • Nov. 1 thru March 31: $85
  • Starting April 1: $90

If you want to personalize the book, name stamping starts at $14 and must be purchased before April 30, 2025.

To purchase a yearbook, go to and enter 'Walled Lake Central.

Get a Senior Tribute Ad

Buy a Senior Tribute ad online at Ad space is limited. Once the space is filled, no more ads will be accepted, so order early!

Ad Choices

Examples of year book ads

Instructions for Ad Submission

  1. Go to and enter 'Walled Lake Central'.
  2. Click on 'Shop the Store'.
  3. Enter your student's information and your email address.
  4. Select your design option.
  5. Select the size of the ad you want to purchase.
  6. Follow the steps to order your ad.
Walled Lake Central 4.0 Students