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Voluntary Student Accident Insurance

Walled Lake Consolidated Schools does not carry health or accident insurance for students. If your child is injured while at school, medical costs are the responsibility of the parents and/or guardians.

As a service to our students and their families, the district is making a student accident insurance plan available for your child at a very nominal cost. The district offers this program because of trends in rising family health and dental insurance costs, increased deductibles, co-payments, and lack of health or dental insurance coverage.

Reasons to Buy Student Accident Insurance

  • You do not have insurance.
  • Deductible and co-pays in your health plan. Many health plans have increased the amount of out-of-pocket expenses.

This plan will provide benefits for medical expenses incurred because of an accident. If you have other insurance, benefits can be applied to your deductible or co-pay. If you have no other insurance, this will become your primary accident plan.

Purchase Coverage

You can purchase Student Accident Insurance by visiting First Agency's website. Please follow the directions by choosing Michigan under K-12, then Walled Lake Consolidated School District.


All questions regarding coverage should be directed to First Agency, Inc. at (269) 381-6630 or toll free at (800) 243-6298.