Brian Rochowiak, Dean Transportation Director
Crystal Helgemo, Dean Assistant Transportation Director
Your child's safety is out first priority!
*NOTE: All late buses will be listed on the late bus hotline, (248)956-5199, if the driver is running ten or more minutes late.
Busing information can be found in Skyward Family Access.
- Bus Eligibility
- Bus Passes, Evacuation Drills and Lost Items
- Bus Routes
- Bus Rules
- Transportation Facts and Bus Hazard Lights
- Transportation FAQs
Bus Eligibility
The measurement of the distance to determine student eligibility for transportation service shall be one (1.0) mile for elementary and one and one-half (1.5) miles for secondary. The distance will be measured from the point at which the student’s driveway meets the public thoroughfare to the point of intersection of the center of the public street with the nearest school door. Students attending the LATE Program are excluded from eligibility for transportation.
Transportation of special education students will be provided as required by law.
However, where unusual traffic and other hazards exist, the supervisor of transportation is directed to study the situation and determine the most appropriate resolution, which both reasonably ensures the safety of the student(s) involved and is cost effective. Appeals of the supervisor’s decision may be made to the director of operations who will, as appropriate, work with the consultation services of public safety officers with jurisdiction for that geographic area.
The transportation department is directed to continually study routing and revise school district bus routes so as to require students to walk reasonable distances to pick-up points, reduce the total miles traveled by school buses, eliminate transportation of students to school buildings where walking distances are reasonable, and reduce the cost incurred by the district.
Bus Passes, Evacuation Drills and Lost Items
Bus Passes
Students may not ride any bus other than their assigned bus without a bus pass. Bus passes are only accepted on routes that have room for additional students. Bus passes are only issued for extenuating circumstances. They will not be issued for after school study or play dates. Most school buses are full and therefore cannot ordinarily accommodate additional students.
Bus Evacuation Drills
The Michigan Department of Education recommends three bus evacuations per year. All elementary students will participate in bus evacuation drills. Bus evacuation drills with "BUSTER THE BUS" will be scheduled at all elementary schools sometime during this school year. Please watch your school newsletters for the first evacuation date at your school. Parents will receive a School Messenger email the day prior to all scheduled evacuations.
Lost Items
Valuable items (like laptops or instruments) will be brought into the transportation office at the end of the day. Other items will be left on the bus, near the driver, and can be picked up the next school day.
Bus Routes
Bus route information in no longer available on the website. Please check Skyward Family Access for your students bus route information. Please continue to monitor Skyward Family Access for the most up to date information. Bus stop change requests for the 2024-2025 school year are no longer being accepted. Responses to requests that were received prior to the September 30th deadline will have a response no later than Friday October 18th. Please monitor your junk/spam email if you do not receive a response in your regular inbox. New students do not need to request a bus stop location as they will automatically receive one during enrollment. Bus information can be found in Skyward Family Access.
Bus stop drop off times are earlier by the following on half days of school:
- High School: 3 hours and 28 minutes
- Middle School: 3 hours and 20 minutes
- Elementary School: 3 hours and 25 minutes
Bus Rules
Your child's safety is our top priority!
Bus Rules
- Follow the driver's directions.
- Arrive at stop 5 minutes before scheduled pick-up time. Use designated bus stop.
- Students should not be waiting in cars. They should be standing in line, off the roadway.
- Bus drivers are not required to stop when there are no students waiting at the stop.
- No eating, drinking or chewing gum.
- No littering or disruptive behavior.
- No animals, glass bottles or skateboards.
- Stay seated while the bus is in motion. Sit correctly in seat.
- No profanity, harassment, or bullying.
- No cell phone use on bus.
- Students must sit in their assigned seats.
- Students must follow the Code of Conduct located in the Student Transportation Handbook
Transportation Facts and Bus Hazard Lights
School Bus Stops
There are two kinds of school bus stops:
- Overhead red light stop - All traffic must come to a complete stop when the overhead red lights come on. Children may be crossing the roadway.
- Yellow hazard light stop - Traffic may proceed around a stopped school bus with caution. Children will not be crossing the roadway.
Bus Hazard Lights
The Bus Is Your Best Bet!
NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) has done a lot of research over many years on the safety of school buses. We know from their research that the school bus is the safest mode of transportation for the 55 million students enrolled in elementary and secondary schools across the United States. Please read The Bus is Your Best Bet to find out why.
Fun Facts About Our Bus Fleet
Our buses travel 1.5 million school miles each year.
We use over 202,000 gallons of fuel each year.
- We transport 6,500 students on 81 bus routes each and every day.
- Our buses use 3,000 gallons of oil each year.
- We service 22 buildings in Walled Lake Consolidated Schools, 3 parochial schools and 8 special education out-of-district buildings.
- Dean Transportation employs 115 school bus drivers, 15 bus attendants and five mechanics in Walled Lake.
Transportation FAQs
Where do I find my students busing information?
Student bus route information can be found in Skyward Family Access.
Why is my bus stop location different than last year?
Each year we make adjustments to routes in order to remain efficient and within the requirements of MCL Act 187. Consolidating bus stops based on the location of student residence is a large part of the efficiency process. On occasion our automated routing software may place a student at an incorrect bus stop. If you know of a closer existing bus stop, fill out the Transportation Request Form on the WLCSD Transportation website. Our routing staff will contact you via email to confirm the new bus stop location.
How do I request to change my students bus stop or add my student back onto a bus?
Requests must be received by October 1st in one of the following ways:
- Google Form: Transportation Request Form
- Fax: (248) 282-8424
- USPS Mail: Attn: Dispatch Router, 46740 W. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake, MI 48390
Request may take up to three weeks to evaluate.
Do you think my stop will be changed?
- Yes; if the existing bus stop is determined to be unsafe, illegal, or inconsistent with other district bus stops.
- No (or unlikely); if the criteria is based on:
- Having children within sight of the home
- Taking care of other family members within the household
- Inclement weather
- Morning darkness
- Lack of sidewalks
- The bus passing the house along the route
You are welcome to request a review if you still have any concerns.
My student has not rode the bus in a while and now they no longer have any bus information.
Students who do not ride the bus for more than 14 school days may be removed from the bus route. If you would like to add your student back onto the bus route, please fill out the Transportation Request Form. If your students needs a one time, or emergency ride, they can request a bus pass from their school office and receive transportation to the closes existing bus stop location. In certain circumstances (walk restrictions), a parent/designee will be required to meet the students at the bus stop.
We have recently moved and I need the bus stop at my new address. Who do I call?
Addresses must be changed with your students building secretary. The transportation office can not make these changes and bus passes can not be issued by the transportation department.
My student is school of choice or in-district transfer. Can they ride a bus?
Bus ridership counts are evaluated during the first full week of school. If there is a room on a bus after that time period, your child is welcome to ride to and from school at an existing bus stop. The transportation department determines the bus stop your student will use. The location will be the nearest existing bus stop to the students home address within the transportation boundary for the school of attendance. Requests will be taken during the summer months for the upcoming school year by submitting a request on the Transportation Request Form. Requests will be reviewed beginning September 15th and a response will be sent to the email address provided. It is the parents’ responsibility to get the student to and from the stop and the parent or designated responsible party must be present for the student to be dropped off. Your student may lose the right to a ride if you are not there to meet him/her at the bus stop.
I live in a non-transport area. Can my child ride to and from a daycare or family friend's bus stop?
No, bus eligibility is based on the home address. Only students who live in a transport area can ride the bus whether it is from home, daycare, or another bus stop.
My student needs to work on a project, go to an event with a friend, or my schedule changes on certain days of the week. Can they ride on a different bus?
No, students can only ride their assigned bus. Students can have one morning bus stop and one afternoon bus stop. In the event of an emergency, determined by the transportation dispatch office or school building administrator, students may receive a one time bus pass to ride a different bus.
I will not be home on a half day of school. Can my student ride home to a daycare or friend's house?
No, students can only ride their assigned bus. In the event of an emergency, determined by the transportation dispatch office or school building administrator, students may receive a one time bus pass to ride a different bus.