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Walled Lake Central Home of the Vikings

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Attendance Policy

Please call the attendance hotline before 7:00 a.m. every morning your student is absent or late.

Note: Notifying a teacher or counselor of your child’s absence does not replace calling the attendance office. For a student’s absence to be “excused” you must call the absence/tardy within 48 hours. A student’s absence a cannot be “excused” if it is called in after the 48 hour deadline.

Student Attendance Expectations and Protocols

It is the student's responsibility to maintain good attendance because:

  1. WLCSD Policy states: "Regular school attendance is expected for all students."
  2. Students can only benefit from the excellent daily academic instruction at WLC if they are in class, on time, each and every day possible.
  3. Developing good habits, such as attending school daily and being on time for class, is important for students' future success in college, the workplace, and beyond.

Tardy Policy

1st Period Class: Students who arrive at school after school has begun will sign in at the attendance office.

Excessive Tardiness Consequences: All tardy counts apply to each individual class, per semester. Failure to
comply will result in progressive consequences. Tardiness is detrimental to learning and disruptive to the academic environment for all.

3rd Tardy (in a class):

  • Teacher issues verbal warning to student.

5th Tardy (in a class):

  • Student is assigned a detention and discipline record is entered.
  • Failure to comply will result in progressive action.

8th Tardy (in a class):

  • Student is assigned a detention and a discipline record is entered.
  • Copy of the WLC Attendance Policy is provided to student; must be signed by parents and returned.
  • Students who are excessively tardy 1st period and drive to school forfeit their parking permit for 5 days.

12th Tardy:

  • Student will receive a referral and a 1-day In School Suspension with Restorative Practices.
  • Students who are excessively tardy 1st period and drive to school forfeit their parking permit for 10 days.

Subsequent Tardies: Student and parent meet with assistant principal. Disciplinary action TBD.

*In all cases of excessive tardiness, for students who participate in extracurricular athletics, performing arts, etc., the coach/director will receive notice and coordinate additional support as appropriate.

**Parents are encouraged to report reasons for tardies when extenuating circumstances exist: (248) 956-4999

Absence Policy

Excused Absences: Report absences as “excused” to (248) 956-4999 within two school days of the absence.

Valid reasons for excused absences include:

  • College visits (provide documentation)
  • Religious holiday/observance
  • Medical Appointment (provide documentation)
  • Bereavement
  • Quarantine
  • Illness

*Families are strongly encouraged to plan vacations during scheduled school breaks.

Absence Consequences

  • Truancy On Property (Skipping): Students found on WLC property not attending class, such as in vehicles or elsewhere, will receive a discipline referral. In all cases, the absence will be marked as “unexcused.”
  • Closed Campus: Once a student arrives, a student may not leave campus for any reason without a parent or guardian’s permission, as communicated to the attendance office. Lunch is not a valid reason.
  • Unexcused Absences: Teachers are not required to allow students who miss class with an unexcused absence to make up work assigned, completed, or due on the day of an unexcused absence.
  • Classwork & Participation: Some in-class activities and assignments may not be able to be made up. In these cases, if an absence is excused, the assignment will not impact their grade.

Excessive Absence Status: WLC is generally forgiving and flexible with late, makeup, and “redo” student work. However, flexibility has its limits. The below applies to each class period individually, per semester. Excused and unexcused absences are counted the SAME. Attendance actions are subject to modification by administration.

  • 5 absences: Teacher issues warning and notifies parents/guardians.
  • 10 absences: Student will receive a written warning and a copy of the attendance policy, which must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the attendance office, and are encouraged to speak to an assistant principal about any extenuating circumstances leading to excessive absenteeism. Assistant Principal may meet with student and parents to discuss further.
  • 15 absences: Student and parents/guardians are notified that 5 additional absences may result in Excessive Absence Status (see below), and are encouraged to speak with an assistant principal about any extenuating circumstances leading to excessive absenteeism. Assistant Principal may meet with student and parents to discuss further.
  • 20 absences: Student will be placed on Excessive Absence Status by administration. Students on E.A.S. will be prohibited from completing assignments/assessments for a grade that were assigned, completed, or submitted on the day of the student’s 21st absence and beyond.

Oakland County Truancy: The Oakland County School Truancy Office may be contacted in extreme cases.

Athletics & Activities: From the WLCSD Athletic Handbook: Attendance at Practice and Athletic Contests – No athlete will be permitted to practice or play in a game, contest, or event if absent for any part of the day of the event, unless excused by the building assistant principal in charge of athletics.

Procedure for Reporting a Student Absence

It is important that student absences are due to one of the acceptable reasons above. 

  • Student should email his or her teachers to inquire about missed instruction and makeup work opportunities.
  • Parent/Guardian must call the Attendance Hotline at (248) 956-4999.
  • Parent/Guardian only may excuse an absence (students who call themselves in to excuse an absence may be subject to disciplinary action).
  • Pre-arranged absences should be communicated to the school the day prior or before 7:00 a.m. the morning of dismissal.

Other Important Attendance Information

  • Walled Lake Central seeks to preserve the academic environment. The attendance office will not call classrooms to excuse a student from class unless it is a true emergency.
  • Walled Lake Central is a closed campus. Students are not allowed to be called out of school by a parent/guardian to eat lunch off campus and then return to school.
  • If a student is returning to Walled Lake Central the same day as the dismissal due to a healthcare appointment, it is expected that the student will provide a note on a health provider's letterhead verifying the date and time the student was seen by the provider.

Class of 2024  Senior Attendance Incentive

Attendance Office:
(248) 956-4720

Attendance Hotline:
(248) 956-4999